NVMS 7000 howto
Table of Contents Application Initial Setup……………………………………………….…….. Page 2
Changing Streaming Camera Resolution to HD…………….………………………………..…. Page 6
How to Remotely Playback Saved Video………………………………………………..……... Page 8
Saving Video Footage to another Device…………………………………………….....……… Page 11
Page 1
CCTV Setup Step-By-Step Guide This guide has been designed to walk you through the NVMS7000
application and DVR software. The purpose is to assist and teach how to setup and operate your CCTV
system via the smartphone and tablet app.
Application Initial Setup:
1. Download the smart phone app, called “NVMS7000”. This app can be found in either the Google Play
store of the App Store on Apple devices.
2. Once downloaded, open the app and enter your region information.
3. Once you are in the app, click “Menu” (top left icon)
4. Then, click “Devices”
5. Then, click “Add Device” (top right icon with folder and plus sign)
6. Then, click “Manual Adding”
7. Then, enter the information below for device information (Ask your
installer for this)
Alias: [you can put anything in this field, it is a display name]
Register Mode: IP/Domain
Enter your public IP address
Note : To find your public ip address, open Chrome browser, in the search type
"What is my ip" It will tell you your ip. example (
123.456.789.159 )
Port: 8000
Username: admin
Password: Your Password
8. Next, click the “save button” on the top right (looks like a floppy disk).
9. Then, click “Start Live View” at the bottom.
If you are seeing your cameas you have successfully setup this app.
Once you enter Live View, you will come to a screen that will display your cameras.
You will notice 4 squares at the bottom of the screen.
These squares represent the amount of cameras you can view at one time.
You can view anywhere from 1 to 8 cameras at a time.
You will also notice these icons at the bottom of the screen:
1. Snapshot a still image from the selected video camera (saved to Picture and Video section of app)
2. Record button to begin recording on selected video camera (saved to Picture and Video section of app)
3. Pan Tilt Joystick to operate a pan/tilt camera if applicable to your camera
4. Adjust camera screen resolution for optimized viewing quality
5. Clear selected camera from viewing screen
These are the basic steps to setup your cameras on the phone application. You will now
be able to view your cameras remotely. Keep in mind, your new DVR/NVR comes
equip with a hard drive. Depending on it's size, it will store from weeks to months of
motion-activated video before it deletes the oldest video and makes space for new video
storage. The more cameras you have on your system, the shorter the time span of saved
video you will have. Your DVR system will record every time motion is detected by the
camera, and has 5 seconds of pre-motion recording and 5 seconds of postmotion recording.
You can go back and view the video footage within the application or through the DVR software.
Changing Streaming Camera Resolution to HD: This section will show you how to switch
the live view of the cameras on the app to stream in HD, giving you the best picture quality possible.
1. First, you have to be looking at only one camera at a time (i.e. you cannot be looking at
the split screen showing multiple cameras at once). To do this, simply double-click on one
of the cameras to change it to single camera viewing mode. Your screen should now only
be viewing one camera at a time.
2. Next, you will need to click on the (window pane) icon at the bottom of the screen.
3. The bottom of the screen will now be displaying 3 options, Clear, Fluent,
and Custom. Select “Clear”.
4. You have now changed the streaming method to stream live view in HD. Now,
click the icon again to exit out of the resolution options tab.
You will need to go through this process for each camera on your system to change
each camera to stream in HD mode. However, you will only have to do this one time,
as it will save your settings. Note: If you have poor Cell signal, cut it back to fluent
so the video comes in quicker without lag. I would recommend leaving it Fluent until
you need clear.
How to Remotely Playback Saved Video:
1. -Click on “Menu” (top left icon)
3. Then click on the camera list icon (top right corner)
4. Next, select the date range that you would like to search in the top date fields.
Please note that you can only search in 3 day increments, but that does not mean
that the DVR only has 3 days worth of recordings. Next, select the DVR within
the list that you wish to view
Note, when going back in time, select the from time, hit the back button at the top
left of the screen, and then come back to this screen to use the new timeline you just selected.
Then start playback at bottom.
5. Next, select all of the cameras you wish to view recorded footage from.
Note: You can only select 4 at a time.
6. Lastly, click “Start Playback” at the bottom You will then see all the selected cameras.
Choose the camera you wish to view recorded footage and scroll through the time line on
the bottom to get to the time frame you are trying to view. Note: the software is in military time
You will notice these icons at the bottom of the screen
1. Snapshot a still image from the selected video camera (saved to Picture and Video section of app)
2. Start recording and stop recording a clip (saved to Picture and Video section of app) Play and
3. Pause the video
4. Fast forward the selected video camera up to 16x
5. Remove selected camera from the camera list
These are the steps to playback saved video. If you wish to save a clip to the app for easy access in
the future to come back and look at it, follow these steps: Saving Video Footage to the App’s ‘Picture
and Video’ Section: 1. Navigate to the segment of the video you are wanting to capture 2. Position the
timeline where you would like your video clip to begin
3. Click the scissors icon to begin recording your clip
4. You will notice a red circle with an “R” located in the top left corner of the selected video.
This means you are recording the clip
5. When you have recorded the segment of the video you wish to capture, click the scissors
icon once more to end the clip
6. You will notice the record icon will disappear from the top left corner of the selected video
7. You have now created a clip of your video and can now move it to another device
8. Click the menu icon in the top left corner
9. Click Picture & Video
10. Click the clip you just created
11.The clip will open up on full screen and you will notice the save button on the bottom left corner.
Click the save button and you should be prompted to select where you want to save the clip.
Choose where you want to save the clip to and…
12.That’s it! You can save as many snapshots or video clips as you wish.